Rule 17-604 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Procedure for Approval(a)Application(1)Generally. An individual seeking designation to conduct mediation or settlement conference proceedings shall file an application with MACRO indicating the county or counties from which the individual is willing to accept referrals. The application shall be substantially in the form approved by the State Court Administrator and posted to the Judiciary website. An individual may apply for designation to conduct both mediations and settlement conferencess. (2)Documentation. The application shall be accompanied by documentation that the applicant meets the requirements of Rule 17-603(a) or (b), as relevant, and may include documentation of the applicant's approval to conduct mediations or settlement conferences in other orphans' courts of the State.(b)Action on Application.(1) Determination MACRO shall review the application to determine whether an applicant seeking designation as a mediator meets the requirements of Rule 17-603 (a) or (b), as relevant.
(2) Notice to Applicant After such investigation as MACRO deems appropriate, MACRO shall notify the applicant of the approval or disapproval and the reasons for any disapproval.
(3) Notice to Court If MACRO approves the application, MACRO shall transmit or make available through electronic means the completed application and all accompanying documentation to the Chief Judge or the judge's designee for each court for which the applicant is seeking designation to conduct ADR.
(c)Lists.(1)Generally. MACRO shall maintain lists of individuals who have been approved for designation to conduct mediations or settlement conferences, which shall be available to the public and to the other orphans' courts of the State.(2) Designation as Inactive After notice and a reasonable opportunity to respond, MACRO may designate a practitioner on an approved list as "inactive" for failure to maintain the continuing education requirements set forth in Rule 17-603. MACRO will notify the applicable courts when a practitioner has been designated as "inactive." If the practitioner subsequently comes into compliance with the continuing education requirements, MACRO shall notify the applicable courts that the practitioner no longer is designated as "inactive."
(3)Removal from List. After notice and a reasonable opportunity to respond, the Chief Judge or another judge of the court designated by the Chief Judge may remove an individual from a list for failure to maintain the required qualifications or for other good cause. The Chief Judge or the judge's designee shall notify MACRO of the determination, the reasons for the determination, and whether the reasons for the determination are relevant to the practitioner's ability to serve in other courts. Upon receipt of such notification from the court, MACRO shall remove the practitioner from the orphans' court's list. If the reason for removal is relevant to the practitioner's eligibility to serve in other courts, MACRO shall notify the other courts of the practitioner's removal.Adopted April 9, 2018, eff. 7/1/2018; amended Nov. 13, 2024, eff. 7/1/2025.