Md. R. Spec. Proc. 15-311
The judge to whom the petition is made or referred shall prepare and file or dictate into the record a memorandum setting forth the grounds of the petition, the questions involved, and the reasons for the action taken. A copy of the memorandum or a transcription of the dictation shall be sent to the petitioner and the person having custody of the individual confined or restrained.
Md. R. Spec. Proc. 15-311
Source: This Rule is derived from former Rule Z53.
2001 Orders
The November 1, 2001, order, in the first sentence, substituted "prepare and file or dictate into the record for "dictate into the record or prepare and file.
Maryland Rule of Procedure Z53, adopted Sept. 15, 1961, eff. Jan. 1, 1962, related to memoranda by judge, rescinded June 5, 1996, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.