Md. R. Prop. Sales 14-101
Unless the court orders otherwise, a public sale of an interest in real property conducted pursuant to the Rules in this Title shall (a) take place in the county in which the property is located and (b) if the property is located in more than one county, take place in the county in which the action is pending. The sale shall be conducted immediately outside the courthouse entrance, on the property being sold, or at any other place ordered by the court.
Md. R. Prop. Sales 14-101
This Rule is derived from the 2008 version of former Rules 14-101 and 14-207(a).
Prior Rules:
Rule 14-101, adopted June 5, 1996, effective January 1, 1997, related to the location of a public sale of interest in real property, rescinded February 10, 2009, effective May 1, 2009. See Md. Rule 14-101.
See Rules 14-210 and 14-303(b) regarding notice of the place of sale.