Rule 11-413 - RESPONSE TO PETITION; ADMISSION(a)Response Permitted A respondent served with a delinquency petition may file a response that admits or denies all or any facts alleged in the petition. Any written response shall be filed no later than 15 days prior to a scheduled adjudicatory or waiver hearing. Any allegation other than an allegation admitted in a written response is deemed denied.(b)Admission(1)Advice by Court; Finding Before the court accepts a respondent's admission or non-denial of the allegations, the court shall, on the record and in open court: (A) advise the respondent of the nature and possible consequence of the admission or non-denial; and(B) ascertain whether the admission or non-denial is knowing, intelligent, and voluntary.(2)Withdrawal of Admission In the interest of justice, the court may permit the respondent to withdraw an admission at any time before disposition. Md. R. Juv. Causes 11-413
Source: This Rule is derived in part from former Rule 11-107(2021) and is in part new.
Adopted Nov 9, 2021, eff. 1/1/2022.