Rule 11-402 - DEFINITIONSThe following definitions apply in this Chapter:
(a)Statutory Definitions The definitions stated in Code, Courts Article, §§ 3-8A-01 and 3-8A-35 apply to this Chapter, to the extent relevant.(b)Additional Definitions(1)Complaint "Complaint" means a written statement made by any person or agency to an intake officer which, if true, would support the allegations of a delinquency petition.(2)Delinquency Petition "Delinquency petition" means the pleading filed with the court under Code, Courts Article, § 3-8A-13 alleging that a child is a delinquent child.(3)Emergency Detention or Shelter Care "Emergency detention or shelter care" means detention or shelter care when a child has been taken into custody in accordance with Code, Courts Article, § 3-8A-15.(4)Initial Appearance Hearing "Initial appearance hearing" means a hearing to: (A) determine whether the delinquency petition or citation has been served and, if not, to effect service;(B) advise the child and the child's parent, guardian, or custodian of the nature of the allegations and proceedings, and the range of possible dispositions; and(C) advise the child and the child's parent, guardian, or custodian of the right to counsel in accordance with Code, Courts Article, § 3-8A-20.(5)Probation "Probation" means a status created by a court order under which a child adjudicated to be delinquent is to remain subject to supervision of the court under conditions the court, or the agency designated by it, deems proper, but is not removed from the home.(6)Waiver Petition "Waiver petition" means a petition filed pursuant to Rule 11-410.Md. R. Juv. Causes 11-402
Source: This Rule is derived in part from former Rule 11-101(2021) and is in part new.
Adopted Nov 9, 2021, eff. 1/1/2022.