Md. R. Juv. Causes 11-220
Except as provided in subsection (a)(2), upon termination of the court's jurisdiction over the respondent child, the court shall enter a final order terminating the proceeding.
Cross reference: See Code, Courts Article, § 3-804(b), providing that jurisdiction over a CINA continues until the child is age 21 years, unless the court terminates the case sooner.
If the court enters an order directing the provision of services to a child under Code, Courts Article, § 3-819(c)(3) or § 3-823(h)(2)(viii), the court retains jurisdiction for the limited purpose of enforcement, modification, or termination of the order.
Cross reference: See Code, Courts Article, §§ 3-804(d) and 3-823(k) and In re Adoption/Guardianship Dustin R., 445 Md. 536 (2015) for continuing jurisdiction over a CINA.
Upon a finding of good cause, the court may enter a final order terminating the proceeding prior to expiration of the court's jurisdiction by operation of law (1) on the court's own initiative, (2) on motion of a party, or (3) on the recommendation of an appropriate governmental agency exercising supervision over the respondent.
Md. R. Juv. Causes 11-220
This Rule is derived from former Rule 11-120(2021).
See In re Emileigh F., 355 Md. 198 (1999) and In re Joseph N., 407 Md. 278 (2009) precluding the court from terminating the proceeding while an appeal from its decision is pending.