Committee note: Rule 10-202(a)(2) requires that a certificate of a licensed physician, licensed psychologist, or licensed certified social worker-clinical, or nurse practitioner be substantially in the form approved by the State Court Administrator, posted on the Judiciary website, and available in the offices of the clerks of the circuit courts.
Cross reference: With respect to a person who allegedly has disappeared, see Code, Courts Article, Title 3, Subtitle 1, in particular §§ 3-102, 3-105, and 3-106.
Md. R. Guard. & Fid. 10-301
This Rule is derived as follows:
Section (b) is new.
Section (c) is derived from former Rule R72 a and b.
Section (d) is new.
Section (e) is new.
1999 Orders
The October 5, 1999, order, in section (d), added the option of evaluation of a disabled person by a licensed psychologist.
2003 Orders
The November 12, 2003, order rewrote section (d), which previously read:
"(d) Required Exhibits. The petitioner shall attach to the petition as exhibits (1) a copy of any instrument nominating a guardian; (2) any physician's or psychologist's certificates required by Rule 10-202; and (3) if the petition is for the appointment of a guardian for a minor who is a beneficiary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, a certificate of the Secretary of that Department or any authorized representative of the Secretary, in accordance with Code, Estates and Trusts Article, § 13-802."
2007 Orders
The December 4, 2007, order rewrote section (d), which previously read:
"(d) Required Exhibits. The petitioner shall attach to the petition as exhibits (1) a copy of any instrument nominating a guardian; (2)(A) any physician's or psychologist's certificates required by Rule 10-202, or (B) if guardianship of the property of a disabled person who is a beneficiary of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs is being sought, in lieu of the certificates required by Rule 10-202, a certificate of the Administrator of that Department or an authorized representative of the Administrator stating that the person has been rated as disabled by the Department in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the Department of Veterans Affairs; and (3) if the petition is for the appointment of a guardian for a minor who is a beneficiary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, a certificate of the Secretary of that Department or any authorized representative of the Secretary, in accordance with Code, Estates and Trusts Article, § 13-802."
2013 Orders
The November 21, 2013, order, required the petitioner to state whether the alleged disability is solely physical and to substitute "date of birth" for "age" in subsection (c)(7).
2015 Orders
The September 17, 2015, order, added a new section (b) pertaining to the form of petition, deleted current section (c), added a new section (e) containing a form for designation of a guardian of the property by a minor or disabled person, added a cross reference at the end of the Rule, and made stylistic changes.
Maryland Rule of Procedure R71, revised eff. Feb. 2, 1970, amended eff. July 1, 1974, related to applications for appointment, rescinded June 5, 1996, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.
Maryland Rule of Procedure R72, revised eff. Feb. 2, 1970, amended eff. July 1, 1974; amended Nov. 5, 1976, eff. Jan. 1, 1977, related to venue, rescinded June 5, 1996, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.
Maryland Rule of Procedure R73, revised eff. Feb. 2, 1970, amended eff. July 1, 1974; amended eff. July 3, 1980, related to petitions, rescinded June 5, 1996, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.
2017 Orders
The October 10, 2017, order added a Committee Note following section (d).
2018 Orders The December 4, 2018 order deleted current subsection (d)(2)(B); added language to section (d) that requires documentation of certain requirements; added a Committee note after subsection (d)(1); added subsection (d)(2) addressing an alleged disability due to detention by a foreign power or by imprisonment; added subsection (d)(3) pertaining to an alleged disability due to disappearance; added a cross reference after subsection (d)(3); added subsection (d)(4) referring to certain required exhibits; and deleted the Committee note after subsection (d)(4).
See Code, Estates and Trusts Article, § 13-207.