Rule 111 - Search Warrants for Schedule Z Drugs(a) Issuance of Search Warrant. A search_ warrant may be issued under this Rule by any justice or judge to search for and seize any schedule Z drug that is declared to be contraband and subject to seizure by 17-A M.R.S. §1114. Rule 41(a), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of these Rules shall govern the issuance and execution of any warrant authorized by this Rule.(b) Suppression of Evidence. In a proceeding under a statute that makes the possession of a schedule Z drug a civil violation a justice or judge may, with the consent of both parties, entertain a motion to suppress evidence prior to trial. If a question concerning the admissibility of evidence has not been determined by motion to suppress prior to trial, upon appropriate objection, it shall be determined by the justice or judge at the time of trial.Last amended effective 11/2/2016.