(a)Use of Official Forms. All persons involved in matters within the Probate Court's jurisdiction must use official forms. Official forms" shall be those forms as promulgated by the Maine Advisory Committee on Probate Rules, after review by the Maine Probate Judges Assembly and the Maine Association of Registers of Probate.(b)Printing Requirements for Official Forms. Rule 5(i) of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure governs proceedings in the Probate Courts, except that all official forms shall be printed in accordance with the following standards: Official forms filed in the Probate Court must be printed in a uniform format and type approved by the Maine Association of Registers of Probate. Official forms must be purchased from the Register or obtained from the official Maine Probate Court website.
(c)Fees for Official Forms. Fees for official forms shall be set by the Registers of Probate in accordance with Title 18-C, Section 1-511. The fee will be charged at the time an official form is purchased from the Register. If the official form is prepared in accordance with paragraph (b) of this rule, the fee will be charged at the time the official form is presented to the Register for filing.(d)Electronically Filed Forms. No fee shall be charged for an electronically filed form.Amended effective 7/1/1999;10/15/2000;1/1/2001;1/1/2003;October 7, 2014, effective 11/1/2014; amended April 10, 2019, effective 7/1/2019.Advisory Committee Note - July 2019This Amendment clarifies that the Maine Advisory Committee on Probate Rules is responsible for promulgating all official probate forms and eliminates the ability to use "nonofficial" forms. In addition, it refers to Title 18-C, which will be in effect as of July 1, 2019.