Me. R. Prob. P. 92.12
Filers are responsible for redacting Private Information before filing Public Records. If a filer discovers that he has filed a document that includes Private Information, he or she shall notify the court and shall submit a replacement, redacted, document. Upon receipt of such replacement, redacted, document, court staff shall remove the earlier electronic document from the electronic file and shall replace the same with the replacement, redacted, document.
Me. R. Prob. P. 92.12
Advisory Committee Note - November 2011
Rule 92.12 relates to Private Records and Private Information found in Public Records. The term "Private Records" is narrowly defined to include Certificates of Value (Probate Form DE-401A) and all filings related to adoption proceedings, including Consents and Surrender and Releases. All other documents are considered Public Records. Private Information is defined to include Social Security numbers of living individuals and account numbers, including bank accounts, investment accounts and brokerage accounts.
It is the court's duty to docket Private Records into the electronic case file in such a manner that prevents anyone, other than the Registered Filers of record on that particular matter, from accessing the Private Records.
It is the Registered Filer's responsibility to ensure that Private Information is redacted from any Public Record filed with the court. If, however, after a Public Record with Private Information has been filed, Rule 92.12(e) provides a mechanism for the filer to notify the court and submit a replacement, redacted, version of the Public Record.