Me. R. Guard. Ad Lit. 7
The information submitted pursuant to this rule shall be made available to the public with the exception of information continued in (A) (C) and (F) which shall be confidential.
Me. R. Guard. Ad Lit. 7
Reporter's Notes - July 2015
Rule 7 establishes generally the powers and duties of the Guardian ad Litem Review Board ("Review Board"), Review Board Panels, Board Counsel, the Central Intake Office, and the Board Clerk. The proposed rule is based on and largely consistent with Maine Bar Rules 1 through 3 and portions of Maine Bar Rule 9 addressing Grievance Commission panels.
Rule 7 contemplates that the Review Board will be administered as an independent unit of the Board of Overseers of the Bar, thus minimizing the need for additional resources and capitalizing on the expertise of those who currently resolve complaints involving attorneys. At least one staff attorney within the Board of Overseers will be assigned to serve as Board Counsel. The Board of Overseers Central Intake Office and Board Clerk will support the Review Board and Review Board Panels.
Rule 7(a) establishes the structure of the Review Board, and addresses generally its powers and duties. Similar to the Board of Overseers under Maine Bar Rule 1(a), Rule 7(a)(1) charges the Review Board with the responsibility for administering the regulation of guardians ad litem on the Roster pursuant to the Guardian ad Litem Review Board Complaint System. To implement this responsibility, Rule 7(a)(9) anticipates that the Review Board will monitor the efficacy of the Complaint System and propose changes to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court when necessary. Similar to the Grievance Commission under Maine Bar Rule 9, Rule 7(b) provides that the Review Board will sit in panels of three members to perform the assigned duties with respect to complaints involving guardians ad litem.
Rule 7(a)(8) requires the Review Board to maintain current information relating to guardians ad litem on the Roster. Because some of this information will be confidential by statute, it is anticipated that the Review Board will adopt policies limiting public disclosure of certain information.
Rule 7(c) sets forth generally the role of Board Counsel, which is similar to that of Bar Counsel under Maine Bar Rule 2. The functions and powers and duties of Central Intake in Rule 7(d) are similar to those in Maine Bar Rule 3, with the exception that Central Intake may not dismiss complaints against guardians ad litem.
The functions of the Board of Overseers of the Bar, Bar Counsel, and Central Intake that are not transferable to the regulation of guardians ad litem have not been included in Rule 7, including Maine Bar Rule 1(f), (h)(4) to (8), (10) to (12), and (14) to (16); Maine Bar Rule 2(e) and (g); and Maine Bar Rule 3(b)(2) and (5) to (7).
Rule 7(a)(2) provides that twelve members of the Review Board shall be appointed, four of whom shall be public members. The Guardians Ad Litem Oversight Task Force ("Task Force") recommended that two Review Board members be members of the public, but the number has been increased to four to ensure a public member is available for each three-person Review Board Panel pursuant to Rule 7(b)(1).
Rule 7(b)(1) gives the Board Clerk the authority to select the Review Board Panels on a rotating basis, and the Chair or Vice Chair of the Review Board appoints each panel chair. This process is different from the selection of members of Grievance Commission panels under Maine Bar Rule 9(a) in which panels are preselected by the Board of Overseers and alternate members are appointed by the Board of Overseers. The process in Rule 7(b)(1) has been chosen because there are fewer Review Board members than Grievance Commission members and no alternates.
Rule 7(b)(1) also provides that each panel shall consist of two members on the Roster and one public member. It states that an effort will be made to include mental health professionals as well as attorneys on each Review Board Panel. The Task Force recommended that each panel have one member with the same professional background as the subject of the complaint. Although it would be impracticable to guarantee that each panel will include a member with the same professional license as the subject of the complaint, an effort will be made to include a mental health professional if the subject of the complaint is an LCSW, LPC, LCPC, LMSW, LMFT, LPaC, psychologist, or psychiatrist. See Rule 2(b)(2)(A)(ii).
Advisory Note - September 2016
Rule 7(a)(8) is amended to provide that the Review Board shall maintain the enumerated information for all rostered guardians ad litem and to provide, "The information submitted pursuant to this rule shall be made available to the public with the exception of information continued in (A) (C) and (F) which shall be confidential."