Me. Bar. R. 18
Me. Bar. R. 18
Advisory Note - November 2022
The purpose of the amendment is to clarify that Bar Counsel may provide a law enforcement agency with information relevant to a complaint alleging criminal conduct on the part of an attorney and may provide the Director of the Maine Assistance Program for Lawyers and Judges with information relevant to the referral of an attorney.
Reporter's Notes - June 2015
Rule 18(a) is partially based on Model Rule 16(B), but the committee chose to adopt a structure more similar to former Maine Bar Rule 7.3(k)(2) to confirm the broad confidentiality of grievance filings before formal charges have been approved and filed.
Rule 18(b) is derived from Model Rule 16(C) and denotes that the filing of charges is point at which related filings are public. It is analogous to former Maine Bar Rule 7.1(e) and Regulation 29.
Rule 18(c) is more similar to former Maine Bar Rule 7.3(e) and Board Regulation #29 than to related Model Rule 18(C). The committee chose to use language in Rule 18(c) that retains the former Maine Bar Rules' provision that matters remain confidential until the charging pleading has been formally filed.
Rule 18(d) is similar to Model Rule 16(E) and is equivalent to former Maine Bar Rule 7.1(e)(2)(B) allowing for the tribunal to issue a protective order where good cause is shown for a matter to be kept confidential. The committee elected to use the more modified script of the former Maine Bar Rules than that of Model Rule 16(E).
Rule 18(e) is a modification of Model Rule 16(F) with the committee choosing language more similar to portions of former Maine Bar Rule 7.3(k) for the allowance of limited exceptions to the confidentiality of the initial investigation of grievance complaints.
Rule 18(f) has no direct Model Rule equivalent and is based upon the committee's adoption of the confidentiality exceptions contained in former Maine Bar Rule 7.3(k)(3).
Rule 18(g) has no Model Rule equivalent and is a major rewrite of the existing expungement requirements of former Maine Bar Rule 5(d). The committee found that the Board of Overseers' retention-normally in digital format-was the manner in which matters should be handled instead of the current practice of file and record destruction after a set date, depending on the matter. The committee found no appropriate basis to destroy records that may later be needed to answer or confirm subsequent related inquiries or filings.
Rule 18(h) is similar to Model Rule 16(J) and has no equivalent in the former Maine Bar Rules.
Advisory Note - January 2017
Upon being promulgated and adopted effective July 1, 2015, it had been intended that new Rule 18 would adopt and follow the earlier script contained within the confidentiality provisions of Rule 7.3(k) (see Reporter's Notes). However, the necessary provisions and "exceptions" contained within Rule 7.3(k)(4)-(6) that allowed for proper notice of complaint matters to be given to other appropriate and necessary officials and agencies, or to such individuals Bar Counsel deems necessary to contact in order to properly and completely investigate complaints, were omitted in Rule 18 as then adopted. That necessary language is now promulgated within Rule 18(g) (h)(j), as amended.