The record, unless in electronic form, shall be bound in strong, flexible, loose-leaf covers, 9 inches by 141/2 inches, fastened at the top, so as to open flat.
On the outside of the front cover of each volume, there shall be inscribed with proper separation of lines and spaces, and in the following order:
(1) the title of the court to which the record is directed;(2) the docket number of the case in the Court of Appeal (to be given and entered by the clerks of the Courts of Appeal);(3) the number of the volume of the record;(4) the title of the case (the same title given in the trial court);(5) the status of the parties;(6) the name of the court or administrative body and of the parish from which the appeal originates, the docket number of the case in the court or administrative body, the division/section of the court or administrative body, and the name of the judge or official who rendered the ruling or judgment to be reviewed;(7) the names of counsel, with mailing addresses and phone numbers, and the names of the parties represented;(8) the names of unrepresented parties, with mailing addresses and phone numbers; and(9) the date of the lodging of the record in the Court of Appeal (to be entered by the clerks of the Courts of Appeal).La. Uni. R. Ct. Appeal. 2-1.3
Amended May 2, 2022, effective 1/1/2023.