Rule FCRPP 35 - Standards for Court-Appointed Counsel(1) Rules 35 through 38 shall apply to the appointment and conduct of court-appointed counsel, including guardians ad litem and those representing adults, in any action under KRS Chapters 199, 620, and 625.(2) In addition to Rules 35 through 38, court-appointed counsel shall follow the Statewide Standards of Expected Conduct for Court-Appointed Counsel (the Statewide Standards) set forth in Appendix D. Each Circuit or District may deviate from the Statewide Standards by way of local rule, if approved by the Chief Justice.(3) Proposed local standards for court-appointed counsel shall set forth the conduct expected of court-appointed counsel. Local standards should incorporate American Bar Association and/or National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges best practices standards.Ky. Fam. Ct. R. P. & Prac. FCRPP 35
Amended by order 2017-14, eff. 1/1/2018; ameded by order 2020-01 eff. 2/1/2020.