Circuit court clerks play a key role in the administration of justice. From maintaining official records to collecting fees, fines, and costs, circuit court clerks perform a variety of duties prescribed by Kentucky's constitution, statutes, rules, and administrative procedures that are integral to Court of Justice operations. Therefore, it is essential that circuit court clerks uphold high standards of integrity, impartiality, and independence in order to promote public confidence in the judicial system.
As elected officials, circuit court clerks are ultimately accountable to the voters in their counties for their conduct in office. However, pursuant to KRS 30A.010, circuit court clerks are also state officers who are subject to the administrative control of the Chief Justice.
These rules and the Circuit Court Clerks Conduct Commission created herein are intended to assist the Chief Justice in determining whether disciplinary action and/or remedial measures against a circuit court clerk for alleged official misconduct or otherwise improper conduct is warranted. These rules shall govern the handling of complaints against circuit court clerks alleged to have engaged in such conduct.
Ky. Admin. P. Ct. Justice. 1