Only those months for which an employee has worked or been in paid status for at least 100 hours will be eligible for computing months of service for the purpose of earning annual or sick leave. An employee must be employed for one full calendar month to be eligible to accrue a month of service.
Full-time employees earn annual leave at the following rates:
Months (Years) of Service | Annual Leave Hours (Days) Accrued |
0-59 months (0-5 years) | 7.50 hours per month (1 day) |
60-119 months (5-10 years) | 9.38 hours per month (1.25 days) |
120-179 months (10-15 years) | 11.25 hours per month (1.50 days) |
180-239 months (15-20 years) | 13.13 hours per month (1.75 days) |
240 months (20 years) and over | 15.00 hours per month (2.00 days) |
Months (Years) Service | Maximum Amount |
0-59 months (0-5 years) | 225 hours |
60-119 months (5-10 years) | 277.5 hours |
120-179 months (10-15 years) | 337.5 hours |
180-239 months (15-20 years) | 390 hours |
240 months (20 years) and over | 450 hours |
An appointing authority, including an elected official, may permit an employee to receive sick leave under this section if:
Earned sick leave with pay is intended as a benefit when there is a bona fide need for it. The KCOJ has defined the terms for using sick leave very broadly, recognizing that there are many circumstances other than an employee's own unexpected illness when he or she might justifiably claim sick leave.
Sick leave cannot, however, be used for unnecessary occasions when it would be convenient for an employee to be absent. For those times, the employee must apply for annual or compensatory leave. The employee who abuses sick leave causes either a work slow-down or places an unfair strain upon fellow workers who must do the work in his or her absence. In consideration for fellow workers, the agency, and the people the KCOJ serves, employees should use sick time wisely.
The AOC HR Department will notify the employee in writing if it finds the certification incomplete or insufficient and will specify what additional information is necessary to make the certification complete and sufficient. The employee will then have seven calendar days to provide a corrected certification unless the deadline is not practical under the circumstances despite the employee's diligent and good faith efforts.
If the KCOJ has reason to doubt the validity of the certification provided, it may require the employee to obtain a second opinion from a physician selected by the KCOJ at the KCOJ's expense. If the second opinion is in conflict with the first, the KCOJ may require the employee, at the KCOJ's expense, to see a mutually agreed upon health care provider for a final and binding opinion.
Periodic recertification may be required to the extent permitted by law.
Employees taking intermittent leave must make reasonable efforts to schedule leave for planned medical treatment so as not to unduly disrupt the business of the KCOJ. To better accommodate an employee's need for intermittent leave, the KCOJ may transfer an employee to an alternate, available position for which the employee is qualified and allow the employee to maintain equivalent pay and benefits.
All questions about the FMLA policy should be directed to the AOC HR Department.
Employees will be entitled to bereavement leave for up to three work days due to the death of a member of his or her family, as defined in Section 1.04 of these Policies, or other relatives of close association if approved by the appointing authority. Employees must use accrued paid leave (compensatory, annual, or sick) or leave without pay during the absence. Upon the request of the employee, bereavement leave may be extended at the discretion of the appointing authority.
Ky. Admin. P. Ct. Justice. 7