Section 6 - Fringe BenefitsSECTION 6.01 Fringe BenefitsEmployees in permanent full-time positions and elected officials of the KCOJ participate in fringe benefit programs provided by law for Kentucky state government officials and employees. The major fringe benefits may include state holidays, retirement systems, life insurance, health insurance, Social Security, workers' compensation insurance, and unemployment insurance, if applicable.
SECTION 6.02Holidays(1) The following days are the typical holidays adopted by the KCOJ but are subject to modification by the Chief Justice: New Year's Day* | January 1 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | Third Monday in January |
Spring Holiday | One half day, to be designated |
Memorial Day | Last Monday in May |
Independence Day | July 4 |
Labor Day | First Monday in September |
Veterans Day | November 11 |
Thanksgiving Day* | Fourth Thursday in November |
Christmas Day* | December 25 |
Presidential Election Day | First Tuesday after the first Monday in |
| November (when applicable) |
*An extra day each is allotted for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's.
(2) When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed as the holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as the holiday.(3) Each full-time employee who is in paid status the business day immediately preceding a KCOJ-approved holiday is entitled to 7.5 hours of holiday pay.(4) Employees scheduled to work on a holiday will receive compensatory leave on an hour-for-hour basis for each hour worked on the holiday.(5) Employees on paid leave of any kind will not be required to use leave for a holiday that occurs while they are on paid leave.(6) Holiday leave can no longer be banked as a separate leave benefit. If an employee works on a holiday, time will be earned as compensatory leave. Employees who have accrued holiday leave will be required to exhaust their holiday leave balance before designating any leave request as annual or compensatory leave.(7) The appointing authority must grant use of holiday leave in accordance with operating requirements and, if possible, with the requests of employees.(8) Employees will be paid for unused holiday leave upon separation from employment with the KCOJ in the same manner as compensatory leave.(9) Elected officials who earned holiday leave prior to being sworn into elected office will be paid for their unused holiday leave in the same manner as compensatory leave is paid.(10) Upon the death of an employee, his or her estate will receive payment for the unused portion of any earned holiday leave.SECTION 6.03Retirement(1) An employee with 20 or more years of service or who will be eligible to retire within one year may attend a retirement seminar or an individual retirement consultation without having to use annual or compensatory leave.(2) All other interested employees may attend a retirement seminar or an individual retirement consultation but must use either annual or compensatory leave for the time spent attending the seminar or consultation.(3) Employees must obtain permission to attend a seminar or an individual consultation from their appointing authority.(4) Travel expenses, including mileage to and from a retirement seminar or an individual retirement consultation, will not be reimbursed.(5) An employee who wishes to retire must notify his or her appointing authority in writing at least 14 calendar days prior to the effective date of retirement. A Circuit Court Clerk who wishes to retire must notify the Chief Justice in writing and provide a copy to the AOC HR Department.(6) An employee who fails to notify his or her appointing authority in writing at least 14 calendar days prior to the effective date of retirement will lose earned annual leave for each day short of the 14 calendar-day notice unless waived by the appointing authority. Full-time employees will lose time at the rate of 7.5 hours for each calendar day.(7) If a prospective employee is retired from a position with the Commonwealth of Kentucky, it is the responsibility of the prospective employee to seek approval from Kentucky Retirement Systems before accepting employment with the KCOJ.(8) An employee who is hired by the KCOJ after retiring from any position with the Commonwealth of Kentucky will not have months of service restored for the purpose of leave accruals and will not have any unused sick leave balance restored.SECTION 6.04Health Insurance(1) All employees and elected officials who receive benefits as described in Section 6.01 of these Policies are eligible to participate in the health insurance plan offered by the Commonwealth.(2) Employees will be allowed two paid hours during each open enrollment period to attend one health insurance benefit fair during normal work hours. Time off to attend a health insurance benefit fair must be requested by the employee and authorized by the appointing authority. Travel expenses, including mileage to and from the health insurance benefit fair, will not be reimbursed.(3) Employees and elected officials covered under a health insurance plan offered by the Commonwealth may qualify for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) benefits. COBRA allows employees and officials to extend health insurance coverage for themselves or any qualified beneficiary if any of the following qualifying events occur:(a) Dismissal, except for gross misconduct;(b) Hours reduced by the employee;(c) Death of a covered employee;(d) Divorce or legal separation from the covered employee;(e) End of dependency status of an eligible dependent; or(f) Total disability granted by the Social Security Administration.(4) If any of the qualifying events occur, the employee, elected official, or other eligible beneficiary has 60 days from the qualifying event to apply for COBRA. To ensure timely processing, all applications should be submitted to the COBRA Carrier within 45 days of the qualifying event.(5) Employees who fail to meet the minimum monthly hours necessary to obtain benefits may be required to repay the state-paid portion of their health and life insurance.SECTION 6.05Workers'Compensation(1) Eligibility for Program Services Employees and elected officials of the KCOJ are eligible to participate in the state's self-insured Workers' Compensation Program, as provided in KRS Chapter 342.
(2) Benefits (a) Medical Expenses Required medical expenses for services provided by hospitals and doctors, and for prescription medications due to a job-related injury or illness are paid subject to approval of a claim.
(b) Absences Due to Job-Related Injury or Illness(i) A percentage of the employee's average weekly wages will be paid when he or she is unable to work for an extended period due to a job-related injury or illness subject to the approval of the Workers' Compensation claim.(ii) Compensation will not be payable for the first seven working days of disability unless the disability continues for longer than 14 calendar days, in which case compensation will be allowed from the first day of the disability.(c) Use of Accumulated Sick, Annual, or Compensatory Leave(i) In cases of absence for 6 days or less due to illness or injury for which Workers' Compensation benefits are received, an employee may choose to use accumulated sick, annual, or compensatory leave in order to maintain regular full salary.(ii) In cases of absence for 7 days or more due to illness or injury for which Workers' Compensation benefits are received, sick leave may be used to make up the difference between the benefits and the employee's regular salary.(iii) If an employee is eligible for leave restoration under Workers' Compensation benefits, the employee must sign over any Workers' Compensation benefits to the AOC and have their leave restored before being eligible to receive leave under this section.(3) Notification Procedures (a) Employee Responsibility Employees who have sustained an on-the-job injury or work-related illness must notify their appointing authority or supervisor as soon as practical after the happening thereof.
(b) Appointing Authority Responsibilities (i) The appointing authority or designee must obtain all pertinent information about an employee's work-related injury or illness and immediately report the injury to the AOC HR Department. If the injury occurs during the evening hours or over the weekend, the injury must be reported by phone at the beginning of the next working day.(ii) The appointing authority or designee shall complete the First Report of Injury or Illness Form, providing specific information about the injury. The form must be submitted to the AOC HR Department within three working days after receiving notification of an injury or illness.(4) Form Completion (a) Employee Responsibilities If the employee intends to seek medical treatment, the employee must request and complete the Medical Waiver and Consent Form and return it to the AOC HR Department.
(b) Appointing Authority Responsibilities The appointing authority or designee is responsible for completing the First Report of Injury or Illness Form when an employee sustains a work-related injury or illness and submitting that information to the AOC HR Department.
SECTION 6.06Kentucky Employee Assistance Program(1) General (a) The Kentucky Employee Assistance Program (KEAP) is available to assist employees with problems that affect their job performance, personal life, or general well-being.(b) The KCOJ is not liable for counseling or treatment costs except for those provided through health benefits. KEAP services for information, assessment, and referral are free of charge to all employees and their families.(c) Employee involvement in KEAP will remain confidential as required by state and federal law, unless the employee provides a written authorization to release the information.(2) Eligibility for Services (a) Any employee whose job performance is or may be adversely affected by personal problems may initiate a request for confidential personal or family services from KEAP.(b) Any employee obtaining services from KEAP shall do so without discrimination or retaliation.(c) An employee's participation in KEAP will not prohibit an appointing authority from taking action to resolve unprofessional behavior or job performance deficiencies.(3) Referrals (a) The appointing authority or designee may offer an employee assistance through KEAP if the employee's behavior or work performance is unacceptable or worsening.(b) An employee's participation in KEAP services will be voluntary and confidential.(c) An employee may receive an assessment or referral from KEAP during working hours with prior approval from his or her appointing authority or designee.(d) An employee's participation in counseling or treatment must take place on the employee's time or while on approved leave.Ky. Admin. P. Ct. Justice. 6
Adopted by Order 2015-19, October 21, 2015, effective 9/15/2015, nunc pro tunc; amended by Order 2018-06, April 13, 2018, effective 4/15/2018; Order 2021-05, February 1, 2021, effective 2/1/2021.