Rule 3.325 - Drug Court Program Steering Committee There is hereby created a Third Judicial Drug Court Program Board.
A. The Third Judicial Drug Court Program Board shall be comprised of the following persons: 1. One or more District Court Judge(s), as assigned by the Chief Judge; 2. One Assistant District Attorney, as assigned by the District Attorney; 3. One or more Public Defender (or other defense attorney), as assigned by the Chief Public Defender; 4. One or more Court Services Officer(s), as assigned by the Director of Court Services; 5. The Drug Court Coordinator, as selected by the Third Judicial District's Chief Judge; 6. One contracted Treatment Provider to represent the Treatment Team as assigned by the Drug Court Coordinator.B. The Program Steering Committee shall hold quarterly meetings, examine available Drug Court data, ensure compliance with grant standards, check ongoing outcomes, review training staff opportunities, and conduct budget oversight. The Program Steering Committee shall advise the Judges of the Third Judicial District. All actions shall be subject to the review and consent of the Judges of the Third Judicial District. 1. The Steering Committee will otherwise fulfill the responsibilities required by any and all grants, foundation papers, and all other official documents regarding the Third Judicial Drug Court Program. 2. The Steering Committee shall report on a regular basis to the Chief Judge and advise the Judges of the Third Judicial District. All actions shall be subject to the review and consent of the Judges of the Third Judicial District. Adopted: 10/2/2002; revised 8/17/2016.