Rule 3.122 - Service and Returns of Service of Process Under the terms of KSA 60-303, attorneys licensed by the Kansas Supreme Court, special process servers appointed by this Court and certain others are specially authorized to serve process.
a)Applications for Appointment of Special Process Servers. All applications for appointment of special process servers shall be made by Motion, accompanied by an Affidavit and Order. The Motion, Affidavit and Order shall be on the one page form approved by the Court [F3.122(a)].b)Returns of Service. All special process servers, including attorneys, are required to file all returns of service with the Clerk of the District Court in the manner and within the time prescribed by statute. c)Faxing Certain Returns. In addition to statutory return requirements, all returns of service on Temporary and Final Restraining and Injunction Orders shall also be faxed to the Clerk of the District Court and to the Sheriff of Shawnee County by noon the next business day following service. Relevant fax numbers are: Clerk: (785) 291-4911
Sheriff: (785) 368-2385
d)Revocation of Authority. Failure to timely make, file and fax such returns of service as required by statute and this Rule, may result in the revocation by the Court of the offending person's authority to serve process. e)Copy Provided to Server. A copy of this DCR shall be provided to each special process server upon appointment.