Kan. R. Jud. Dist. JUVENILE RULE 16

As amended through December 16, 2024
Rule JUVENILE RULE 16 - Juvenile Jury Trials

All juveniles accused of an offense in Johnson County, Kansas shall be afforded the right to trial by jury pursuant to the methods in the Kansas Code of Criminal Procedure, K.S.A. 22-2201 et. seq.

The Johnson County District Court shall grant to juvenile offenders the rights proscribed in K.S.A. 22-3403, Method of trial of felony cases, and K.S.A. 22-3404, Misdemeanor, cigarette or tobacco infraction and traffic cases; method of trial.

The jurors shall be summonsed and selected in accordance with K.S.A. 22-3408 through K.S.A. 22-3413. The order and procedure of trial and deliberation of the jury shall be consistent with K.S.A. 22-3414 through K.S.A. 22-3423.

Nothing in this rule will be deemed to confer additional jurisdiction to the juvenile district court.

Kan. R. Jud. Dist. JUVENILE RULE 16