Rule 47.5 - Classification of sign language court interpreters(1)Class A sign language court interpreter. A Class A sign language court interpreter is a certified interpreter who: a. Holds a permanent license issued by the Iowa Board of Sign Language Interpreters and Transliterators and a "specialist certificate: legal (SC:L)" or a conditional legal interpreting permit-relay (CLIP-R) from the National Testing System of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID); orb. Is a licensed sign language court interpreter in a state other than Iowa that has licensing requirements comparable to the requirements in Iowa Code section 154E.3 and holds a valid SC:L from the RID. Pursuant to Iowa Code section 154E.4(2) (a), an interpreter who meets these requirements may interpret in Iowa for up to 14 days per year without obtaining an Iowa license.(2)Class B sign language court interpreter. A Class B sign language court interpreter is a noncertified interpreter who: a. Holds a permanent license issued by the Iowa Board of Sign Language Interpreters and Transliterators and has at least one of the following certificates: a certificate based on the National Interpreter Certification (NIC) examination; an advanced (NAD IV) or master (NAD V) certificate from the National Association for the Deaf (NAD); a valid comprehensive skills certificate (CSC), a master comprehensive skills certificate (MCSC), both a certificate of interpretation (CI) and a certificate of transliteration (CT), or a certified deaf interpreter (CDI) certificate from the National Testing System of the RID; orb. Is a licensed sign language court interpreter in a state other than Iowa that has licensing requirements comparable to the requirements in Iowa Code section 154E.3, and who holds one of the certificates or qualifications identified in rule 47.5(2) (a) and is on a list of noncertified sign language interpreters (without an SC:L) approved by the state court interpreter program in another state. Pursuant to Iowa Code section 154E.4(2) (a) an interpreter who meets these requirements may interpret in Iowa for up to 14 days per year without obtaining an Iowa license.Ct. Inte. & Tran. R. 47.5
Court Orders December 22, 2003, April 26, 2004, and September 16, 2004, effective 11/1/2004; 8/28/2006, effective 10/1/2006; 2/14/2008, effective 4/1/2008; 8/10/2009; 12/4/2014, effective 7/1/2015; 12/13/2017, effective 1/1/2018.