Regul. Comm. Cont. Lega. Educ. 42.2

As amended through December 17, 2024
Rule 42.2 - Continuing legal education requirements
(1) A minimum of 15 hours of continuing legal education must be completed by each attorney for each calendar year in the manner stated in Iowa Court Rule 41.3(1). Beginning January 1, 2021, at least one hour of these 15 hours must be devoted specifically to the area of legal ethics and at least one hour devoted specifically to the area of either attorney wellness or diversity and inclusion.
(2) Hours of continuing legal education credit may be obtained by attending or participating in a CLE activity, either previously accredited by the commission or which otherwise meets the requirements herein and is retroactively accredited by the commission pursuant to rule 42.4.
(3) Hours of continuing legal education credit may be awarded for preparation of an accredited continuing legal education presentation. An attorney is entitled to one hour of preparation credit for each hour of accredited continuing legal education for which they prepare written materials and present, up to a maximum of three hours per calendar year. Hours of preparation credit are credited against the regular attendance requirement of 15 hours per calendar year, but not against the attendance requirement for legal ethics, attorney wellness, and diversity and inclusion. Hours of preparation credit in excess of three do not carry over to a subsequent year. Preparation credit may not be awarded to:
a. An attorney who prepares written materials without making the presentation or serving on a panel of speakers.
b. An attorney who makes a presentation or serves on a panel of speakers without preparing written materials.
c. An attorney who prepares a course directed primarily to persons preparing for admission to practice law.
d. An attorney who receives compensation, other than reasonable expenses, for preparing or presenting the continuing legal education.
(4) An attorney desiring to obtain credit for one or more succeeding calendar years, not exceeding two such years, for completing more than 15 hours of accredited legal education during any one calendar year, under Iowa Court Rule 41.3(1), must report such "carry-over" credit at the time of filing the annual report to the commission on or before March 10 of the year following the calendar year during which the claimed additional legal education hours were completed.

Regul. Comm. Cont. Lega. Educ. 42.2

Court Order November 25, 1975; December 6,1978; January 8,1988; November 9, 2001, effective 2/15/2002; 3/21/2014; 4/25/2014; 11/20/2015, effective 1/1/2016; 12/13/2017, effective 1/1/2018; October 24, 2019, effective 1/1/2020; court order September 14, 2021, effective 10/1/2021.