Iowa. R. Elec. P. 16.601
Rule 16.601. The redaction rules in division VI apply to all documents filed electronically as well as to filings submitted to the court in paper on electronic cases, such as exhibits that are offered in paper at a hearing or trial or filings an excused filer submits in paper for the clerk of court to scan. The personal privacy protection rules, 16.601 through 16.609, assist in protecting certain identifying information from widespread dissemination and possible misuse. To provide greater protection, parties should not put this information in documents filed with the court unless it is required by law or is material to the proceedings. If the information is required by law or material to the proceedings, parties should carefully follow the redaction rules in division VI. Disclosure of protected information in orders and other court-generated documents that require enforcement or action by someone outside the court falls under rule 16.603(4).