Iowa R. Elec. P. 16.311
Rule 16.311(1). Supporting materials attached to an application, motion, court form, or verification of account, etc., were called "exhibits" prior to electronic filing. In EDMS, those supporting materials are called "attachments," and the term "exhibit" is reserved for evidence entered into the record at a hearing or trial. Examples of documents that are attached to other documents include supporting documents that are attached to an adoption petition, a written notice of intention to file an application for default that must be attached to a request for default, additional pages completing a court form, and evidence or affidavits used to support an application or a motion. The filer uploads the application, form, or motion into EDMS, and then selects "Attachment" as the document type for the supporting materials. When the filer picks the "Attachment" document type, the system prompts the filer to pick the document to attach to. The document and attachment are then electronically linked and will show on the case docket as related. See rule 16.412(5) (exhibits to pleadings). [Court Order November 21, 2016, temporarily effective November 21, 2016, permanently effective February 1, 2017]
Iowa. R. Elec. P. 16.311
Rule 16.311(2). Examples of such submissions are a petition for dissolution of marriage, a motion for temporary support, and a financial affidavit. There are, however, some documents that should not have other documents attached to them. For example, nothing should be attached to a proposed document. Also, a proposed order should not be attached to any other document, including the motion or application regarding that order.