Ind. Tax. Ct. R. 18

As amended through September 20, 2024
Rule 18 - Mediation
(A)Purpose. The purpose of a mediation of any matter before the Tax Court is set forth in Rule 2.1 of the Indiana Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution, which is hereby incorporated by reference.
(B)Mediation Order. At any time, the Tax Court may on its own motion or upon motion of any party refer to mediation an original tax appeal or any issue(s) presented therein. Any original tax appeal referred to mediation shall be subject to this Rule unless the parties by agreement elect to be subject to the Indiana Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution without regard to this Rule. At all times during the course of any mediation the appeal remains within the jurisdiction of the Tax Court.
(C)Case Selection/Objection to Mediation Order. After a case or issue has been referred for mediation, a party may file an objection within fifteen (15) days after the order of referral is entered. The party must specify the grounds for objection. The Tax Court shall promptly consider the objection and any response and determine whether the litigation should then be mediated or not. In this decision, the Tax Court shall consider the willingness of the parties to mutually resolve their dispute, the ability of the parties to participate in the mediation process, the need for discovery and the extent to which it has been conducted, and any other factors which affect the potential for fair resolution of the dispute through the mediation process. If a case is ordered for mediation, the case shall remain on the court docket and the trial calendar.
(D)Selection of Mediator/Costs of Mediation. Within fifteen (15) days of an order referring a case or issue to mediation, or fifteen (15) days of a decision of the Tax Court under Rule 18(C) if a timely objection is filed under that subsection, the parties may choose a mediator from the pool of senior judges who have been certified by the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission. In the event a mediator is not selected by agreement, the Tax Court will designate three (3) senior judges who have been certified by the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission who are willing to mediate cases before the Tax Court. Alternately, each side shall strike the name of one mediator. The side initiating the lawsuit will strike first. The mediator remaining after the striking process will be deemed the selected mediator. The senior judge serving as the mediator shall be paid by the Indiana Office of Judicial Administration (IOJA) pursuant to Supreme Court Administrative Rule 5. The senior judge serving as the mediator need not be a registered mediator as provided in Indiana Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution, Rule 2. Mediation shall occur at no cost to the parties.
(E)Mediation Procedure, Rules of Evidence, Discovery, Sanctions, Confidentiality. The mediation shall be conducted pursuant to the procedures, rules of evidence, discovery, sanctions, and confidentiality provisions set forth in Rules 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11 of the Indiana Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution which are hereby incorporated by reference; provided, however, that the provision of Rule 2.7(B)(2) requiring attorneys or representatives of a party with settlement authority to be present at each mediation shall not apply.
(F)Termination of Mediation. The mediation shall terminate as provided in Rule 2.7(D) of the Indiana Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution as incorporated by reference in (E) above provided that the Tax Court may, at any time, upon good cause shown and upon a hearing on the issue, terminate the mediation.

Ind. Tax. Ct. R. 18

Adopted Sept. 9, 2008, effective 1/1/2009; amended Oct. 30, 2014, effective 1/1/2015; amended April 12, 2016, effective 7/1/2016; last amended Aug. 3, 2017; amended Oct. 30, 2017, effective 1/1/2018.