Rule 56 - Requests to Transfer to the Supreme Court(A) Motion Before Consideration by the Court of Appeals. In rare cases, the Supreme Court may, upon verified motion of a party, accept jurisdiction over an appeal that would otherwise be within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals upon a showing that the appeal involves a substantial question of law of great public importance and that an emergency exists requiring a speedy determination. If the Supreme Court grants the motion, it will transfer the case to the Supreme Court, where the case shall proceed as if it had been originally filed there. If a filing fee has already been paid in the Court of Appeals, no additional filing fee is required.(B) Petition After Disposition by the Court of Appeals; Filing Fee. After an adverse decision by the Court of Appeals, a party may file a Petition under Rule 57 requesting that the case be transferred to the Supreme Court. Upon the filing of a Petition to Transfer, the petitioner shall pay a filing fee of $125 to the Clerk. However, no filing fee is required if the Petition is filed by or on behalf of a state or governmental unit, or by a party who proceeded in forma pauperis in the Court of Appeals.