(A) A neutral shall observe all applicable statutes, administrative policies, and rules of court. (B) A neutral shall perform in a timely and expeditious fashion. (C) A neutral shall be impartial and shall utilize an effective system to identify potential conflicts of interest at the time of appointment. After disclosure pursuant to ADR Rule 7.3(A)(6), a neutral may serve with the consent of the parties, unless there is a conflict of interest or the neutral believes the neutral can no longer be impartial, in which case a neutral shall withdraw. (D) A neutral shall avoid the appearance of impropriety. (E) A neutral may not have an interest in the outcome of the dispute, may not be an employee of any of the parties or attorneys involved in the dispute, and may not be related to any of the parties or attorneys in the dispute. (F) A neutral shall promote mutual respect among the participants throughout the process. 1] Although this Rule was included in the Supreme Court Order Amending Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution, no changes were made to the text of this Rule. Ind. R. Alter. Disp. Res. 7.4
Adopted Dec. 6, 1994, effective 2/1/1995; amended Dec. 23, 1996, effective 3/1/1997. [1]