Rule 5.05 - CASES TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENTA. All judges are encouraged to render their decisions promptly when matters are ready for decision. Except as hereinafter provided, no judge of this circuit shall keep a matter under advisement or fail to render a decision in a matter submitted to that judge for a period of time greater than 60 days from the date such matter is taken under advisement. A judge taking a case under advisement shall set the case for a date certain within that time for the purpose of entry of the decision.B. For the purposes of this Rule, a matter is taken under advisement at such time as the proofs have been closed, the court has heard oral arguments, and the court has received all briefs ordered by the court.C. The judge may, by order entered of record, extend the time for ruling to a date certain on the court's calendar not more than 120 days from the date the case was taken under advisement.D. Any case taken under advisement which has not been decided by the sitting judge within 120 days after being taken under advisement shall be reported to the Presiding Judge of the division in which the case is pending, together with an explanation of the reason such decision has not been rendered.E. Any person may report a violation of this rule to the Presiding Judge of the division or the Chief Judge.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. McHenry Cnty. 5.05