Rule 3.04 - DISCOVERY DOCUMENTSA.Restrictive filing. Unless otherwise ordered by the court, no depositions, interrogatories, production requests, answers or responses thereto and other discovery documents will be filed with the Clerk of the Court except as necessary to resolve disputed issues of procedure, fact, or substantive law or pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 207. B.Proof of serving and answering discovery documents. Discovery documents and notice of filing may be served personally or by U.S. Mail or by facsimile transmission. Proof of service and notice of filing and answering discovery documents filed with the Clerk of the Court shall contain the case title and number, date mailed, faxed or personally served, the identity and addresses of the sending and receiving parties, and shall adequately identify the particular discovery document being served or answered. The proof of service or answer, upon being filed with the Clerk of the Court, shall be prima facie evidence that such document was served or answered. When a party receives a document under Supreme Court Rule 204(a)(4), that party shall file with the Clerk of the Court notice and proof of service upon all remaining parties certifying that copies of any such documents have been provided to those parties at their expense or that specified parties have declined copies.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. McHenry Cnty. 3.04