Ill. R. Cir. Ct. McHenry Cnty. 14.09

As amended through December 2, 2024

When a claim against the estate of a decedent or a ward is filed with the court pursuant to Section 18-1 of the Probate Act, the Clerk of the Court, within seven (7) days of the filing of the claim, shall send to the representative of the estate and to the claimant, or to their attorneys, if they are represented by counsel, a notice setting a call of the claim pursuant to Section 18-7 of the Probate Act. The notice shall set the call of the claim no less than 60 days from the date of the filing of the claim and shall inform the parties that if the claimant fails to appear for the call of the claim, the claim may be dismissed for want of prosecution, and that if the representative fails to appear, and no other person, whose interests may be affected by the allowance of the claim objects, the claim may be allowed against the estate. No less than 30 days prior to the date of the call of the claim, the representative shall notify all other parties of record of the call of the claim by forwarding to them a copy of the claim and of the notice from the clerk. The representative shall file proof of such notice with the clerk on or before the date of the call of the claim.

Ill. R. Cir. Ct. McHenry Cnty. 14.09