Rule 5-3.22 - Jury DemandsA. A Petitioner or Claimant must file a Jury Demand and pay the fee at the time he files his Petition or claim, where permitted, except in cases involving disabled adults. A representative, citation Respondent, or other party in interest opposing the Petition, Citation, or claim and desirous of a trial by jury must file a Jury Demand and pay the fee at the time he files his Answer or other responsive pleading. If the Petitioner or Claimant files a Jury Demand and thereafter waives a jury, the representative, citation Respondent, or other interested party opposing the claim will be granted a jury trial upon demand promptly made after being advised of the waiver and upon payment of the fee.B. Jury Demands in cases involving disabled adults shall be governed by the requirements of Section 11a-11 of the Probate Act.C. A written Jury Demand filed by a party in any matter shall be contained in a separate document, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall not record any Jury Demand not so filed.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Lake Cnty. 5-3.22
Amended effective 12/31/2017.