Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Lake Cnty. 2-2.02

As amended through December 2, 2024
Rule 2-2.02 - Pleadings to be Readily Comprehensible
A. Pages of all pleadings shall be numbered. Paragraphs and factual allegations in pleadings shall be numbered and each paragraph shall contain only one factual allegation.
B. If a pleading contains multiple counts or affirmative defenses, each count or defense shall bear a short title concisely stating the theory of liability or defense. If the pleading is filed on behalf of or against multiple parties and all such parties are not asserting the same claims or defenses as to all opposing parties, the title of each count or defense shall also concisely designate the subgroup of parties to whom it pertains.
C. Incorporation of facts by reference is permitted pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 134, provided the pleading remains readily comprehensible.
D. The Court may order a consolidation of pleadings into one finished comprehensible set.

Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Lake Cnty. 2-2.02

Amended effective 10/24/2016.