Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Lake Cnty. 1-3.03

As amended through December 2, 2024
Rule 1-3.03 - Availability of Court Records
A. These Rules do not limit or expand access to the official court records maintained by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Access to the record is governed by the Supreme Court's General Administrative Order on Recordkeeping in the Circuit Courts and applicable laws. The official court record held by the Clerk of Court is available for inspection during regular office hours for that office.
B. Electronic court records will be available for access subject to unexpected technical failures, or system maintenance.
C. Except as provided in LCR 1-3.04 and 1-3.07 of this Part, the electronic court record is an exact representation of the official court record.

Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Lake Cnty. 1-3.03

Amended effective 10/24/2016.