Rule 15.07 - INITIAL STATUS CONFERENCE(a) The purpose of a status conference is to prevent delay in the disposition of the case and to monitor compliance with the Local Rules.(b) An initial status shall be assigned by the Clerk of the Court upon a case being filed under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act or the Illinois Parentage Act. At the initial status, if not earlier, the parties or attorneys of record who are knowledgeable as to the issues in the case, shall report the progress of the case to the Court, including:(1) Compliance with the parenting education program requirement of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 924 and Local Rule 15.06;(2) Agreed custody or allocation of parental responsibilities arrangements and parenting plans, if any;(3) The scheduling of mediation in compliance with Illinois Supreme Court Rule 905(b), if required; and(4) Whether Financial Disclosure Statements have been exchanged.(c) A status shall be scheduled every thirty (30) to sixty (60) days thereafter unless otherwise directed by the Court. In addition to other matters the Court chooses to address, the Court shall consider whether to appoint an attorney for the child, a guardian ad litem, or a child representative in accordance with 750 ILCS 5/506.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 15.07