Rule 36.08 - COURT SUPERVISION(a) When the Court enters an order of supervision as defined in the Code of Criminal Procedure (730 ILCS 5/5-1 -21), the Court shall enter an order setting forth the terms, conditions, and reporting requirements of the supervision. The order of supervision and three (3) copies shall be distributed as follows: (1) Original to the Clerk for filing in the court file;(2) One copy to the defendant;(3) One copy to the State's Attorney or municipal prosecutor; and(4) One copy, where appropriate, to the Department of Probation and Court Services or to the Psychological Services Division.(b) Rule 36.08(a) shall not apply to cases in the Traffic Division.(c) In the event of a technical violation as defined in Rule 36.10, defendant shall be eligible for the Administrative Sanctions Program.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 36.08