Rule 1.25 - ATTORNEY REGISTRATION - ADDRESSES OF PARTIES AND ATTORNEYS(a) The Clerk of the Circuit Court shall maintain a master attorney registration file with a computer identification number in such manner the Clerk deems necessary to properly identify the attorneys of record in a matter pending before the Court.(b) Every attorney at law practicing before this Court shall register with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and obtain an attorney registration identification number.(c) The first pleading or appearance and all subsequent documents and orders shall contain the name, address and telephone number of the attorney (or party, if pro se) filing said paper, and an attorney shall also include thereon an attorney identification number.(d) All attorneys shall file an appearance with the Clerk before addressing the Court on behalf of any represented party. If the matter involves a post-trial motion for the enforcement of a judgment, an appearance fee charged by the Clerk shall be waived.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Dupage Cnty. 1.25