Rule 19.1 - Purpose and Policy(A) These rules set forth procedures for the Juvenile Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County. They are a supplement to the Juvenile Court Act, the Code of Civil Procedure and the Rules of the Illinois Supreme Court and are designed to facilitate the movement of cases through the Juvenile Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County.(B) These rules are designed to accomplish the following:(1) Provide for judicial oversight of case planning;(2) Ensure a coordinated decision-making process;(3) Reduce unnecessary delays in court proceeding through strengthened Juvenile Division case management;(4) Encourage the involvement of parents in the proceedings; and(5) Ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of children.(C) These rules shall be liberally construed to accomplish the above goals, but shall not be enforced or applied in a manner which will endanger or harm a child.Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Cook Cnty. 19.1
Adopted December 31, 1992, effective 1/4/1993.