Rule 13.6 - Post-Judgment(a)Filing - All post-judgment motions, petitions and applications shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court.(b)Assignment - Post-judgment matters include all matters arising after a judgment is entered. All post-judgment matters shall be heard by a team trial judge or by the individual calendar judge from which judgment was entered except that if the judgment is entered by a judge not permanently assigned to the case, then any subsequent post-judgment motion shall be heard by the judge or team to whom the case is permanently assigned. (c)Motions Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-1203 - These motions shall be returned to and heard by the judge who entered the judgment unless otherwise ordered. (d)Motions Pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-1401 - Petitions pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/2-1401 shall be heard by the calendar to whom the case is currently assigned. However, if the judge hearing the motion is not the judge who entered the Judgment and determines that the matter should be heard by the judge who originally entered the Judgment, then the case shall be transferred to the Presiding Judge of the Domestic Relations Division for appropriate reassignment. (e)Courtroom Administration - Each courtroom shall have posted a standing order regarding discovery cut-off dates, courtesy copies of pleadings, written stipulations, stipulated exhibits and all other matters that facilitate the trial process. (f)Presentation of Documents - At each court appearance, the moving party shall make available to the judge all pertinent documents including, but not limited to, a copy of the pending motion(s), Notice of Motion, Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage or Judgment for Dissolution of Civil Union and Agreements referenced within, and all applicable orders including the most recent order. A notice to that effect shall be provided by the Clerk of the Circuit Court to all persons who file motions at the time of the filing of their motion. Failure to provide pertinent documents shall not necessarily be a basis for a continuance of the matter where the court is otherwise able to proceed. Ill. R. Cir. Ct. Cook Cnty. 13.6