Rule 1001 - Other Family Law Services; Assessments, Evaluations, and ResourcesIn addition to services identified elsewhere in these rules, the court may order the following services:
(a)Mental Health Services. The court may order parties to engage in mental health services, including, but not limited to, assessment and evaluation, counseling, and other therapeutic interventions.(b)Substance Abuse Screening, Testing, and Treatment. On an allegation or showing that a party has abused drugs or alcohol, including prescription medication, the court may order substance abuse screening, assessment or evaluation, random testing, and treatment of that party where custody or parenting time are at issue. The court must designate the frequency of testing and apportion responsibility for payment of screening and testing.(c)Parent Education and Parent Resources. The court may order the parties to engage in parent education and other resources. The court may order supplemental or additional education, such as parenting skills classes, parental conflict resolution classes, and other parental resources. The court has discretion to enter default if the responding party fails to attend the parenting class. Failure to attend the parenting class by the answering party should not prevent a default or default judgment; however, this does not relieve the party from taking the class and the court may still enforce the order through the contempt process.(d)Family Violence Prevention Services and Advocacy Services. Goals of the court include prevention of domestic violence and protection of parties and children from domestic violence. In pursuit of these goals, the court may implement family violence prevention services, including, but not limited to, assessment and evaluation, intervention, treatment, counseling, and victim advocacy services. If the court finds evidence of an act or threat of domestic violence in a case, the court may refer the parties to obtain evaluations and services that the court deems appropriate for the victim, batterer, and child.Adopted April 2, 2014, effective for early adopters7/1/2014, effective statewide7/1/2015; amended April 27, 2016, effective 7/1/2016; amended 29 March, 2021, effective 7/1/2021.