Rule 6.2 - Transcript of Grand Jury Proceedings(a) Reporting Grand Jury Proceedings. All proceedings of the grand jury, except deliberations, must be recorded, either stenographically or electronically.(b) Record of Proceedings. The district judge or the presiding juror must designate someone to report or electronically record all of the proceedings of the grand jury, except its deliberations. That person must be sworn to correctly report all of the proceedings and not to divulge any of the information to any person except on order of the district judge. On taking the oath, the person must be permitted to attend all sessions, except deliberations, of the grand jury. On the conclusion of each matter presented to the grand jury, the court clerk must seal the record of the grand jury proceedings and the record must not be examined by any person or transcribed except on order of the district judge.(c) Availability of Record of Grand Jury Proceedings. The district judge, by motion, must permit the following persons to listen to the record of the proceedings of the grand jury or to obtain a transcript of the proceedings in the same manner as a transcript of a preliminary hearing: (1) a prosecuting attorney,(2) a person charged in an indictment or the attorney for the person charged, or(3) a person charged with perjury because of the person's testimony before the grand jury. The district judge may place conditions on the use, dissemination or publication of the record of proceedings of the grand jury, and any violation of any condition by a party granted access to the record will constitute contempt of the order of the district judge.
Adopted by Order dated February 22, 2017, effective 7/1/2017