Rule 1202 - Lawyer Assistance Program Committee(a) Members. The Board of Commissioners shall appoint a Lawyer Assistance Program Committee to oversee the LAP. The Commissioners shall appoint a Chair annually with input from the LAP Committee.(b) Composition. The Committee shall consist of no more than twenty-five members, with consideration given to geographic representation. The members shall have diverse experience, knowledge and demonstrated competence in the problems of addiction and other common difficulties that impair lawyers. Non-lawyers are eligible to be appointed as members of the LAP Committee.(c) Terms. Committee members shall be appointed for a three-year term. Appointments shall be on a staggered basis, so that the number of terms expiring shall be approximately the same each year.(d) Duties. The Committee shall have the following duties:(1) Exercise general oversight responsibility to ensure that the program achieves its purposes and goals.(2) As needed, recommend LAP rules, procedures and policies to the Board of Commissioners for its approval and/or submission to the Idaho Supreme Court.(3) Carry out the duties listed under Rule 1203, in the absence of a Coordinator of the program.(e) Meetings. The Committee generally shall meet on a quarterly basis or upon call of the chair with adequate notice to all members. The actions of the Committee are governed by these rules and procedures, the Idaho Bar Commission Rules and the Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct.(f) Quorum. There shall be no quorum requirement for the transaction of LAP Committee business, provided that proper notice of the meeting is given.