Rule 1005 - Privileges Conferred and Limitations Imposed(a) A lawyer certified as a specialist as provided by these Rules may communicate that fact, but must clearly identify the particular certifying entity that recognizes the lawyer as a specialist. The lawyer shall not represent, either expressly or implied, that his or her specialty status is recognized by any entity other than the certifying entity. Specifically, certification shall not entitle the lawyer to suggest that he or she is certified by the Idaho State Bar.(b) Nothing in this plan shall in any way limit the right of a certified specialist to practice in other law fields, even if the lawyer is not recognized as a specialist in those other fields.(c) No lawyer shall be required to be recognized as a specialist in order to practice in the field of law covered by that specialty. Any lawyer shall have the right to practice in any field of law, even though he or she is not recognized as a specialist in that field. Participation in this plan shall be on a voluntary basis.(d) A lawyer may be recognized as a specialist in more than one field of law.