Rule 513 - Reciprocal Sanctions(a)Duty of Lawyers. All Lawyers upon whom a Sanction has been imposed in another jurisdiction shall so inform Bar Counsel within 14 days of the imposition of the Sanction. Failure to make such a report shall, in itself, constitute grounds for imposition of Sanctions under Rule 505.(b)Private Discipline in Another Jurisdiction. Upon being informed that private discipline has been imposed upon a Lawyer in another jurisdiction that is the equivalent of a private reprimand or an informal admonition under Rule 506(g) or (h), Bar Counsel may issue a private reprimand or informal admonition in this State with or without further investigation.(c)Public Discipline in Another Jurisdiction. Upon being informed that a Sanction has been imposed upon a Lawyer, Bar Counsel may seek an ex parte order from the Chair of the Professional Conduct Board directing the Lawyer to show cause, if any, why the identical Sanction should not be imposed in this State.(d)Hearing Committee Procedures. The Chair of the Professional Conduct Board, following the issuance of the order to show cause, shall assign the matter to a Hearing Committee to conduct the show cause hearing. (1)Show Cause Hearing. Within ten days following the issuance of the Chair's assignment order, the Hearing Committee chair shall hold a scheduling conference with the parties to schedule a hearing on the order to show cause. Thereafter, the Hearing Committee chair shall issue a scheduling order with notice to all parties.(2)Effect of Sanction in Another Jurisdiction. A final determination of misconduct by the Respondent in another jurisdiction is conclusive and shall not be subject to relitigation in this State. Any resignation in lieu of disciplinary proceedings in any jurisdiction shall be deemed a final determination of misconduct by the Respondent.(3)Scope of Hearing. After hearing, the Hearing Committee shall recommend the imposition of an identical Sanction in this State unless the Hearing Committee finds that Respondent has shown by clear and convincing evidence that it appears clearly, from the face of the record from which the Sanction is predicated, that:(A) the procedure was so lacking in notice or opportunity to be heard as to constitute a deprivation of due process; or(B) imposing an identical Sanction in this State would result in grave injustice.(4)Procedure Following Hearing. After the show cause hearing (regardless whether the Respondent appears before the Hearing Committee), the Hearing Committee shall issue its findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommendations and proceed as provided in Rule 511(h).(A)Recommendation of Public Reprimand. If the Hearing Committee recommends the imposition of a public reprimand, the case shall proceed as provided in Rule 511(i).(B)Recommendation of Public Censure, Suspension or Disbarment. If the Hearing Committee recommends the imposition of a public censure, suspension or disbarment, the case shall proceed, as provided in Rule 511(j).(e)Effect of Stay of Discipline in Other Jurisdiction. If the Sanction imposed in the other jurisdiction has been stayed there, any reciprocal Sanction imposed in this State shall be deferred until the stay expires.(f) Appeals. All appeals of the imposition of reciprocal Sanctions shall proceed as provided in Rule 511(k).