(a)Standards. Accreditation of CLE activities shall be consistent with the following standards: (1) The activity shall have significant intellectual or practical content, and the primary objective shall be to increase the attorney's professional competence and ability to deliver quality legal services in an efficient, competent and ethical manner;(2) The activity shall constitute an organized program of learning that addresses matters directly related to the practice of law, professional responsibility or ethical obligations of attorneys, provided:(A) Courses included in the curriculum of a college or university undergraduate degree program do not qualify for accreditation as a CLE activity; and(B) An attorney may receive credit for attendance at a non-legal educational program if the subject of that program relates specifically to the attorney's area of practice. For example, credit may be given for attendance at a medical-related program if the attorney's practice includes medical malpractice;(3) The activity shall be conducted by an individual or group qualified by practical or academic experience in the covered subjects;(4) The activity may include video, digital content or other presentation formats;(5) Materials used in the activity shall be thorough and of high quality, and should be distributed to participants prior to or during the activity; and(6) The activity may address law practice management to promote the efficient and competent delivery of legal services; however, no CLE credit shall be approved for marketing, client cultivation, general time management or stress reduction, computer training that is not specific to attorneys, general business topics, or vendor-sponsored activities designed solely to promote products or services.(b)Accreditation. A person or Course Provider may apply for accreditation of a CLE activity by filing with the Executive Director a written application on a form prescribed by the Board. (1)Contents of Application. The application shall contain:(A) The name of the Course Provider;(B) A description of the CLE activity;(C) Detailed descriptions of the subjects covered in the CLE activity;(D) The name and qualifications of each presenter;(E) The time schedule of a live CLE activity or the length, in minutes, of a recorded CLE activity;(F) The name of the person or Course Provider requesting accreditation;(G) The date and location of a live CLE activity or, if the CLE activity is recorded, the date and location that the attorney completes the CLE activity for self-study credit; and(H) For a recorded CLE activity used for self-study credit, the date the activity was produced or initially recorded.(2)Time of Filing. (A) The application may be filed prior to the CLE activity.(B) An application filed more than ninety (90) days after the CLE activity is completed shall be accompanied by a twenty-five dollar ($25) late fee.(3)Attendance Roster. Upon completion of an Accredited Activity, the Course Provider shall forward to the Bar an attendance roster providing the printed name and Bar number for each attorney participant and the total number of general credits and, if applicable, ethics credits, earned by each attorney participant.(4)In-House and Self-Study Programs. In-house or self-study programs that satisfy the requirements of subsection (a) may qualify for CLE credit upon written application.Section (b) amended 2/25/2016; effective 7/1/2016; amended December 28, 2023, effective 3/1/2024.