All original applications for the registration of title to land in the land court shall be entitled as follows:
________________________, to register
title to real property.
A solid line under the original application caption shall separate the original application caption from the remainder of the new or current cause caption, as described below.
Following that, for each additional document being filed together, the attorney or party identification information at the top left corner of the page need not be included. The complete case caption and application and case numbers shall be included. Under the case number on the right half of the caption, only the title of that document shall be typed in all capital letters. Following that, centered below the complete caption and above the text of the document, shall be typed the title of the document in all capital letters and centered on the page.
For electronically filed documents, the documents shall be filed as separate docket items, pursuant to Rule 2 of the Hawai'i Electronical Filing and Service Rules.
Haw. R. Land. Ct. 3