Haw. Prob. R. 83
The personal representative may file a verified interim accounting with the court annually, or for longer periods, in the format and with the procedures set forth in Rule 26. If the court approves any interim accountings, the personal representative, upon filing of the final accounting, shall refer to, but not include prior approved accountings.
Haw. Prob. R. 83
In particularly complex estates which may run for years, supplying a single accounting at the end of the administration may be almost meaningless because it is so complex or records have been lost in the interim. This rule allows interim accountings to be presented and possibly also approved, so that the process can be kept up at a meaningful pace through the estate administration. The rule allows the filing of interim accountings, but they will not be approved by the court unless a request is made. If the personal representative asks for approval, the court can proceed in regular course.