Haw. Prob. R. 61
The personal representative shall prepare an amended or supplemental inventory if necessary, as set forth in HRS §560:3-708. If the original inventory was filed with the court, then any amendment or supplement thereto shall also be filed with the court and served upon all interested persons. An amended inventory shall completely restate the original inventory and shall clearly set forth the nature of the changes by bracketing deleted matter and underscoring added matter. The personal representative may supplement an inventory where the changes are minor in relation to the original inventory and shall only set forth the changes to be made. The personal representative shall prepare the first sheet of the amended or supplemental inventory in the same manner as the first sheet specified in Rule 60. If the original inventory was not filed with the court, then the personal representative need not file any amended or supplemental inventory with the court, but shall serve such amended or supplemental inventory upon interested persons who request it or who requested a copy of the original inventory.
Haw. Prob. R. 61
Commentary.- Often, personal representatives file amended or supplemental inventories, and it is unclear from the amendment or supplement just what is being changed and what effect the change has on the previously-filed inventory. This rule draws a distinction between amended inventories, which are completely restated, and supplemental inventories, which have only a few changes. By requiring compliance with Rule 60, the snapshot information on the first page is retained.
Under HRS §560:3-708, any supplementary inventory or appraisal must be filed with the court, if the original was filed. If the original was not filed, however, HRS §560:3-708 designates persons to whom the personal representative must furnish a copy of a supplementary inventory or appraisal, or information thereof. Prior to amendment effective July 1, 2008, the statute required the copy or information to be furnished to "persons interested in the new information." HRS §560:3-708 now requires the copy or information to be furnished to interested persons who request it or who requested a copy of the original inventory. Rule 61 was amended to reflect this statutory amendmen