Haw. Prob. R. 7
Except as otherwise specifically provided by these rules, statutes, or court order, personal service of notice may be made by means of hand delivery or first-class mailing to the person at the person's last known address, by mailing or delivering a copy of any document to an attorney who makes an appearance for a person in the proceeding, by service of process and summons, by publication, or by any other method reasonably calculated to give notice to interested persons. Service of notice on a guardian ad litem shall be deemed to be equivalent to service on the persons represented by the guardian ad litem.
Haw. Prob. R. 7
HRS §560:1-401 identifies various methods of serving notice. HRS §560:5-309(b) requires notice in a conservatorship to be "served personally" on the respondent. Service of notice by a sheriff or other official is not necessary if a more informal process can achieve the same result.
The rule also clarifies that service of notice on a guardian ad litem is sufficient to cover notice on the individuals represented by that guardian ad litem, and that additional notice to the individuals is unnecessary.