Rule 6.2 - Conventional Service of Electronically Filed Documents(a)By the filing party. A filing party shall provide conventional service of electronically filed documents that are required to be served to parties who are not JEFS Users or who have not consented to electronic service. The filing party shall file a certificate of conventional service. Except for proceedings in the appellate courts, or unless otherwise ordered by the court, for any order, decree, or judgment prepared by a party and signed by the court, the preparing party shall provide conventional service of the order, decree, or judgment to parties who are not JEFS Users or who have not consented to electronic service. The preparing party shall also file a certificate of conventional service.
(b)By the clerk.(1) The clerk shall provide conventional service of any order, decree, or judgment prepared by the court to parties who are not JEFS Users or who have not consented to electronic service. The clerk shall note the service by a text-only entry on the docket or by filing a certificate of conventional service.(2) The clerk may provide conventional service of any Order and Notice of Entry of Order or Judgment and Notice of Entry of Judgment upon a defendant in a District Court JIMS criminal case without necessity of serving the defendant thereafter with a filed-stamped copy of the Order and Notice of Entry of Order or Judgment and Notice of Entry of Judgment.Haw. R. Elec. Fil'g. & Serv. 6.2
Amended December 2, 2014, effective 12/5/2014; amended July 15, 2020, effective 1/1/2021.