Haw. Ct. Rec. R. 10.10
Upon receipt of a request for an accessible record, the Clerk shall make the record available for inspection and copying within a reasonable time, subject to the court's or ADLRO's priority use of the record and the payment of fees, if any. If the request to inspect or copy cannot be accommodated within 10 business days, the Clerk shall notify the requestor and provide an estimated date when the record will be available for inspection or copying. If the request is for a confidential record and the requestor is not of the class of persons having a right of access to the confidential record under Rule 10.4 of these rules, the Clerk shall notify the requestor forthwith that the Clerk cannot provide the record without an order of the court for court records, or an order of the Administrative Director for ADLRO records. No later than 10 days after the Clerk's denial of a request for a confidential record, the requestor may move for access. The Clerk shall notify all parties of the motion. Within 10 days after notice of the motion for access any party may file opposition to the request.
Haw. Ct. Rec. R. 10.10